This piece of art has a very basic base image to it, but is very complex in terms of color and pattern schemes. It looks and reminds of a piece of pop art because of the widely recognized symbol in it and the use of repetition of the same image throughout the piece.
One of its main aspects is repetition. It is a constant image of what looks to be like the Apple logo with just different color schemes and patterns. There are twelve different individual images in the piece. This helps create an overall image to the viewer, being that there are some many individual ones it makes up a greater picture. The second piece of the work that stands out to me is the contrast between the colors of the background and the colors inside the Apple logo. All of the colors for the most part that are inside of the logo are very bright and vibrant colors. Then all the colors of the background are mostly dull and lighter than the others. This helps the Apple logo stand out to the viewer. Due to the fact that each square is a different color background this also helps each one stand out. Another piece of the image that was interesting to me was the use of many different patterns and the fact that none were used twice. This made each one stand out as its own and gave each one its unique type of style and look. Another element that I stood out to me was that the layout of the piece is vertical. This makes the viewers eye start at the top left of the piece and almost read it like a book. The eye then goes all the way to the right and then restarts on the left side and keeps going until the end of the piece. This makes the viewer look at every individual piece and makes them see the differences of each one.
First the denotative meaning of the piece is that it is many images of the apple logo in different colors and patterns.
The way that this picture made me feel was excited and alive due to all of the different vibrant colors that pop out to the viewer. Though as I looked closer I began to have the feeling of uniqueness because each box was so unique and different from all the other ones. Except after I looked at the piece for a while the uniqueness went away and I began to feel dull or one because each image was fundamentally the exact same. Therefore, none of them became unique anymore and they were the exact same.
There are a couple of meanings that I got when looking at this piece of artwork. One of them is that each individual iPhone or apple product a person has is unique and different depending on the persons personality. I got this because of the uniqueness of each individual piece from the next. Due to the repetition each one could represent a person and then the different color and pattern schemes represents how each product is unique from the next due to the user. Another meaning that this piece had me think was that society is controlled so much through this one image or company, Apple. This is because of the repetition and change in patterns and colors. There are twelve individuals images of the same exact Apple logo but with just different colors and what not and they all seem different. Except any single person could go up and know that those were the Apple logos. That is why I think the artist is trying to say that companies and the image of products like this control our society and are the only thing we really focus on. Lastly, because of the repetition of the piece I thought that maybe the artist was trying to say that everyone is deep down the exact same. This is because the base image of all the squares is the Apple logo, representing the heart of people. The repetition makes it seem like the artist is trying to represent something big such as the world population or people join general.
Overall, I really enjoyed this piece and it was visually pleasing to look at. This is because of all the wonderful colors and the uniqueness of the patterns.