Tuesday, February 9, 2016

John Berger Insight

   This article talks a lot about how the we look and see things in our world. One of the insights from this article is that we have control over everything we turn to look at with our eyes. You may think that you are blindly looking around the world, but you actually are choosing everything you see. Berger also say that when we decide to touch an object we then create a relation with it. I don't really know if I totally agree with Berger's statement here that we chose what we get to see. This is because for me when I am walking around my day I kind of am forced to look at things while I walk through campus or in class that maybe I don't really want to look at. I agree that sometimes you have the power and chose to see what you want, but I don't really think that the world goes the way that Berger seems to see it.
   The next insight that I found was when he begins to talk about how images were first made to create something that was not there, and he begins to say how images began to outlast the object or person it represented. A point that I really like that he makes is that, with an image like that we are now able to see how people looked at that image during that time. I thought that this was a very interesting insight on images because I never really thought about that when looking at old photographs or paintings, and I thought that it was actually pretty accurate.

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