Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Escaping Flatland

I thought that this book was not hard to read but was really hard to just follow what the writer was saying throughout. He seems to bounce around from example to example which makes me a little confused. It really just does not make sense to me because he is just randomly talking about random things, object, and animals. I can't really see how the examples connect to his point that everything in our world is a flat object that we look at. Only thing that I can see that connects to the "flatland" is that the things he is talking about is possibly flat and thats the only similarity I could find to his point. It seems like he really doesn't support his point that everything in our world is flat or doesn't connect it to a higher idea. But then I began to possibly see how all of this space talk and scientific analysis began to connect to the dimensions and how it has created two dimensions. I like how it starts to touch a little bit on the fourth dimension. I like all of the cool diagrams and interesting figures that are scattered throughout the whole piece, I think it really helps the reader kind of grasp what he is saying. Overall I thought that this piece was fun to read and look at, but it was very difficult to grasp the concept and ideas that were being put forth. I feel like you would possibly need to read it over three or fours times to really get the point and facts the author is trying to get across.

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